Bathroom Packing Guide: 5 Tips To Pack Your Bathroom For A Move

Although moving to a new environment can be an exciting experience, the packing process is not an enjoyable one. While packing up any room in your home may be daunting, the bathroom has a few tricky aspects that make packing a bit more complicated; to include the potential risk of spills, the high number of breakable items, and the requirement of perfect timing. Fortunately, there is a method to the madness. If you are moving, consider using these packing tips for your bathroom.

Start by Sorting

Before you begin packing away your toiletries and bathroom furnishings, you may want to sort through all of your items and purge products that no longer serve a purpose. This step will allow you to take account of what you have and rid yourself of the items you do not need. Sorting your products will also help you remain organized throughout the moving process. To simplify your move, organize your bathroom items into categories; to include toiletries, appliances, medication, and towels, and linen. 

Pack A Bathroom Bag

Once you have sorted through your bathroom supplies, it is vital that you, as well as all other members of your household, pack a bathroom bag. Bathroom bags will help the residents get through the rest of their time in the home. Each kit should include several things, including a toothbrush and toothpaste, a bottle of shampoo, soap, deodorant, shaving accessories, and any other necessary bathroom items. 

Protect your Items 

Before you start packing up your items, you may want to line and pad your boxes. As there are a wide variety of fragile items and products in your bathroom, the padding will add a cushion of safety to give you peace of mind. Furthermore, you may want to wrap your more fragile items. 

Packing Bathroom Liquids 

Packing away your half-used liquids can make packing your bathroom a bit tricky. While you may be better off throwing away some of the half-empty bottles, there are several ways that you can expertly pack your bathroom liquids. To avoid messy spills, cover bottle openings with plastic wrap before tightening on the cap. To further protect your products, you can place the bottles into a zippered plastic bag. 

Keep Medicine Close By 

As most people have a small pharmacy of unused prescription medication in their cabinets, it is essential to keep these products safe and out of harm’s way. Before you begin packing away your medical supplies, consider disposing of the few items you don’t need. Once you have properly disposed of all the medication you don’t need, it is time to pack up your essential items. Furthermore, you may want to consider adding your necessary medications to your bathroom bag to keep them close nearby. Moreover, you may want to consider packing your other medical supplies and first aid kits in an essentials box. While you may be handing your other boxes over to the movers, this essential box should remain with you at all times.

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